Saturday, September 5, 2009

Art and writing, from the world (part 1) I have all the keys.

Every now and then life becomes an admissible applicable and fitting reformation with revival.
Every now and then time becomes inept and inoperative, rather than absolute arrogant and bossy.
Sometimes I look just hard enough, sometimes you were looking too hard.

There is that moment again, its two breaths away, one last inhalation before the glass breaks, because I've been staring at its fractures and its hair line readiness. If I push up against it too much then there is only follow through, and it just may be; we are both all systems go, at hand and at the ready for this speculative enterprise.

But for now there is only exhale, expel, a puff against the pressure I feel and instead of your sweet answer, there is vapor. My anxious ardent cravings become more recognizable as brainless absurdity.

Every now and then the world brings you into one place regardless of your size.
Every now and then you bring the world into your heart.
Sometimes it happens at the same time, sometimes you were looking for it.

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